Minecraft 1.15.1 and Caveworld

Posted by KoodaaCraft on Monday, January 6, 2020

Today I’m writing to update on status of the server. We’ve lately upgraded to Minecraft 1.15.1 and introduced quite a few plugins as well as economy, oh and a whole new world on the side…

A Whole New World

Let’s start with the “whole new world”. Along with the recent Economy update (more on that down below) a new world which I dubbed “the CaveWorld” was introduced. To access the CaveWorld you go to spawn and walk into a gate looking thing Once you pay the entry fee, you will be teleported into cave world, which is, as the name would suggest, a huge frigging cave.

In the caveworld you can find both gold and coal abundantly as well as monsters you’d expect to find in a huge cave.

View from inside caveworld


Now the reason why I mentioned coal is that it forms the basis of our new economy. Yes our players are now coal miners! The way this works, is that our lovely spawn now has a ChestShop (psst you can make them too!) which is happy to buy all the coal you can get your hand on, and that money can be used to fuel your expeditions to the CaveWorld, as well as to fund your Town(!) or trades with your fellow players.

You can use /money to see how much money you have at any given moment. Be sure to hit that /money help to learn more about how you can manage your funds.

Plugins, plugins for everyone

So I mentioned we’ve recently added new plugins.

Here is a little list:

  • PetShop
    • You can set a price for your pets, horses, dogs, cats…) and h ave their ownership change
  • LeashTeleport
    • Leashes don’t break anymore, and any entity leashed will now teleport with you when you /home, /tpa…
  • Towny
    • You can make your own town, or join someone elses. Things brings protection and ability to use /fly within your town.
  • QuickShop
    • Chest shops, neat way to sell your stuff, or make offers to buy.)
  • SoulShard
    • Burn diamonds to craft soul shards, kill mobs with a single shard in your hotbar to gather souls. When you have enough you can craft your own spawners!

Known Issues

  • Gravy is broken