Available in Github

Posted by KoodaaCraft on Saturday, January 2, 2021

Koodaacraft blog now available to edit in github…

Let’s talk about this site

Koodaacraft blog is based on hugo static site renderer. Before we had a update flow which had few quite technical steps and required access to a remote server ran by us. This made contributing to the Koodaacraft site bit more work than it should be, which we are now changing a bit.

Github pages

Is a way to host static sites on Github. Since we already were based on static site generator as mentioned before, pushing this site content, sources if you will, to github was not a big hurdle.

In addition we’ve now set up github actions to automate deployments. When ever content is pushed to the main branch it triggers a build that updated the site with the latest changes. This enables community to contribute by either proposing new content or fixing mistakes in old :)

So where is it?

You can find the sources and commit patches to https://github.com/Allu2/KoodaaCraft.org